SoulSpace Privacy Policy
- We respect and honor your privacy, and manage your personal information openly and transparently.
- We will collect personal information from you with your consent only, to fulfill the requirements of activities, and will advise you on how such information will be used.
- Should you provide your personal details for any SoulSpace related activities, we are committed to keeping that information safe, and only use it for it’s intended purpose.
- At any time, you have the right to access and correct your personal information, or request for your information not to be stored with SoulSpace.
- Given that activities may need details such as name, contact and payment details for resource sharing, memberships and booking purposes, it may not be possible for SoulSpace to provide activities for individuals without such details.
- In some cases, SoulSpace may work closely with independent facilitators and instructors to run workshops and activities, and who may require additional information from you, which will be covered by their respective privacy policies.
Terms & Conditions
- You must read the above privacy policy before providing us with any personal information. By providing us with your personal information, you are confirming your agreement to the policies and procedures described.
- Depending on the activity at SoulSpace, will determine the type of personal information required.
- We may collect personal information from you either in person, via email, our website registrations/bookings or over the phone.
- We may receive your contact details for the purpose of newsletters or updates from you directly, or from publicly available sources.
- There is no obligation for you to provide us with any personal information, however SoulSpace may not be able to provide access to services or activities.
- SoulSpace operates as a not-for-profit and relies on membership fees and community funding for the cost of activities and practitioners. SoulSpace cannot operate without the support of the community.